General Information and Fee Policies

IFPS Certification and Fee Policy


General Information

  • FAQ
  • All fees must be prepaid and are not refundable.
  • All sales are final.
  • Certification Test Applications and payment must be received within four (4) weeks of the test date to avoid additional fees. Registration after the application deadline will result in a late registration fee of $100 and be scheduled if it is possible to do so. (Late fee is in addition to applicable test fee.)
  • Additional proctor fees may apply.
  • No substitutions are allowed for testing.
  • An individual has three (3) years from the date of their application to take the test, after which all fees paid are forfeited.
  • Fees are subject to change at any time. When possible, there will be advance notice.
  • To qualify as a STUDENT MEMBER, students must carry at least twelve (12) credits or more per semester and include a current class schedule that includes their name with their application.
  • To qualify for an ACTIVE MILITARY MEMBER, an individual will need to submit a copy of their active military ID card. 
  • Rescheduling Requests -will be accepted up until two weeks before the original test date and are subject to fees stated below. Exceptions for medical emergencies will be considered.
  • Reschedule Fee - applies to a request to reschedule a test after the application deadline date. Applicant MUST notify Headquarters and pay the following fee no later than two weeks before the original test date: Student Member: $50.00. Professional Member/Non-Member: $80.00
  • No Show Policy - If an applicant is not present for the scheduled test or training and has not notified IFPS by the test date, the test fee is forfeited.
  • Returned check fee - $35.00 - for checks returned to the IFPS for insufficient funds.
  • What can I bring to the Certification test?
  • Preparing for a Test


Membership Fees


Membership TypeDurationFee

Professional Member

1 year$75
5 years$325
Student/Military1 year$35
Retired/Disabled1 year$35



Certification Test/Application Fees

Written Test fee includes an electronic copy of a Certification Study Manual. A printed copy can be purchased for $20 at the time of application.


Certification TypeMember TypeFee
(Hydraulic, Pneumatic,
Electronic Controls)
Student Member$165
Active Military$329
Student Retake$150
Member Retake$205
(Written Test)
Student Member$140
Active Military$219
Professional Member$229
Student Retake$150
Member Retake$205
(Job Performance)
Student Member$134
Active Military$184
Professional Member$195
Student Retake$125
Member Retake$184
Support AssociateStudent MemberN/A
Active Military$199
Professional Member$199
Student RetakeN/A
Member Retake$159
Engineer or System DesignerStudent MemberN/A
Active MilitaryN/A
Professional Member$280


Corporate Packages - designed for groups of 10 or more. LEARN MORE


Recertification Fees (Every 5 Years)


Member Type1st Certification2nd CertificationEach Additional
Professional Member$110$75$35
Non-Member$280 per certificationN/AN/A


Test Event Setup Fees


Test Event SetupNotice PeriodFee
16-20 business days$50
11-15 business days$100
6-10 business days$150
Less than 5 business days$200
Number of CandidatesFee



Job Performance SINGLE STATION Retake Policy:

• To qualify for a single-station retake, all the other JP stations of the failed test must have a minimum score of 70 percent (passing).

• 40 minutes will be allotted for the single station.

• Test candidates must request approval from the Certification Logistics Manager ( 30 days' notice is required to process the request and arrange the logistics.

• The single station retake request must be submitted within five years of the original failed Job Performance Test date. (The failed test must have been take after 1/1/2024 to qualify)

• Once approved, a Proctor will be determined, and the test date and location will be scheduled.

• The cost would be the same as a JP Retake ($184).

For more details, visit the IFPS Fee Policy Page.


*Attention Mechanic and Technician Certification Candidates:

  • If you have passed the Job Performance test in the last five years, you do not need to take the Job Performance test again for any other mechanic or technician Certifications. You are only required to take the written test. Exception:  the Connector and Conductor (C&C) requires a written and job performance (hands-on) test to become C&C certified.

  • If your Job Performance test was taken longer than 5 years ago, and you did not pass or never completed the written test, you will need to retake the Job Performance test.

    • Master Designates only need to pay one recertification fee to renew all certifications included in the Master Designation.

    • Specialists only need to pay one recertification fee to renew both HS and PS certifications.

    • Accredited Instructors only need to pay one recertification fee to renew all certifications.